Business Intelligence, Reports and Studies: Decision-support tools

Halal Industry Dashboard The Halal industry is, now more than ever, a buoyant and promising sector for the development of Intra-OIC trade. In this regard, ICDT has set up an interactive and regularly updated Dashboard to provide information on investment trends, trade...

Business Intelligence, Reports and Studies: Trade intelligence solution

يُعتبر وجود كمية كبيرة من البيانات على الإنترنت عائقا بالنسبة لصانعي القرار، خاصة الوصول إلى المعلومات الاستراتيجية. وعلى الرغم من توفر حجم كبير من المحتوى، إلا أنه إما يكون مصحوبا بسيل من البيانات الزائدة أو يصعب الوصول إليه بشكل كبير.

Trade and Investment Promotion: Partner Fairs

Partner Fairs 5th OIC Helath Expo , This exhibition will host the actors of the health sector (pharmaceutical industries, medical service providers, nutrition and dietetics professionals, surgery, wellness care, medical training institutes, etc….) in the OIC...

Trade and Investment Promotion: Promotion of Strategic Products

Promotion of Strategic Products OIC Coffee Meet This meeting seeks to promote trade and investment flows in the coffee industry among OIC Member States towards building sustainable and equitable trade solutions while simultaneously increasing investment...

Trade and Investment Promotion: Invest Days

Invest Days ICDT Invest Days  Exchange of viewpoints on the different issues of investment. Assistance in structuring investments. On-site visits and field...