Les galeries sont triées par date décroissante

Workshop on “Market Access and Management of Value Chains for the Benefit of Women
Workshop on “Market Access and Management of Value Chains for the Benefit of Women
Panel on investing in Cameroon on public-Private synergies during ICDT Invest Days
Panel sur l'investissement au Cameroun autour des synergies public-privé lors des «ICDT Invest Days Yaoundé »
ICDT Invest Days Cameroon
ICDT Invest Days Cameroon
16th session of the UN-OIC Biennal General Coordination Meeting
16ème session de la réunion biennale de coordination générale de l'ONU-OCI
Panel on “Commodity Trade Development and Food Security in Africa”
Panel on “Commodity Trade Development and Food Security in Africa”
ByYouthforYouth International Forum
ByYouthforYouth International Forum
3rd ministerial meeting of the Negotiating Committee (TNC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
3ème réunion ministérielle du Comité de Négociation Commerciales (TNC) de l'Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)
Awareness Raising Workshop for the benefit of Arab Countries in the accession  process to the TPS-OIC
Awareness Raising Workshop for the benefit of Arab Countries in the accession process to the (TPS-OIC)