• إصدار تقرير سنوي حول التجارة والاستثمارات البينية لدول منظمة التعاون الإسلامي.
  • إجراء دراسات السوق والبحوث القطاعية
  • دراسة السبل والوسائل الكفيلة بالحد من الحواجز التي تقف أمام المبادلات التجارية للدول الأعضاء.
Muslim Friendly Tourism Branding in the Global Market

Muslim Friendly Tourism Branding in the Global Market


New generation of the free trade agreements and their impact on OIC Member States

New generation of the free trade agreements and their impact on OIC Member States


Impact of the new generation of Free Trade Agreements

Impact of the new generation of Free Trade Agreements


Competitiveness of SME’s Export: Barriers and Levers for improvement

Competitiveness of SME’s Export: Barriers and Levers for improvement


Foreign Trade of the OIC Member States: In Figures

Foreign Trade of the OIC Member States: In Figures


The impact of the price fluctuations of Food Products on foreign trade

The impact of the price fluctuations of Food Products on foreign trade
