24-25 Sept. 2024

ICDT Invest Days : Yaoundé, Cameroon

24-25 Sep. 2024

23rd Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group :Ankara, Türkiye

19-20 Sep. 2024

23rd Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group :Ankara, Türkiye

8-9 Oct. 2024

OIC Halal Forum Azerbaijan: Baku, Azerbaijan

2-5 Nov. 2024

41st Session of the COMCEC: Istanbul, Türkiye

8-12 Oct. 2024

10th Exhibition of Halal Products in the OIC Member States: Tunis, Tunisia

29 Nov. -01 Dec. 2024

18th Trade Fair of the OIC Member States (18th TFOIC): Lahore, Pakistan

4-5 Dec. 2024

8th ACMOI: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia