• Publishing an Annual Report on Intra-OIC Trade.
  • Conducting market and sectoral studies.
  • Exploring ways and means of reducing barriers to trade among Member Countries.
Annual report on investment climate and opportunities in OIC countries

Annual report on investment climate and opportunities in OIC countries


Annual OIC Halal Economy Report 2022

Annual OIC Halal Economy Report 2022


Réunion virtuelle de concertation au sujet de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord sur la facilitation des échanges del’OMC

Réunion virtuelle de concertation au sujet de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord sur la facilitation des échanges del’OMC


Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products


Webinar on “Doing Business in Cote d’Ivoire” – Presentations

Webinar on “Doing Business in Cote d’Ivoire” – Presentations


Intra-OIC Trade Development and the SDGs – Actions of ICDT

Intra-OIC Trade Development and the SDGs – Actions of ICDT
