- Istanbul: 3e Réunion du Groupe intergouvernemental d’experts des investissements des pays de l’OCI
- 40e Session du COMCEC Ã Istanbul
- Riyad : Future Investment Initiative Forum 2024
- 6th Biennial Meeting OIC-UN in Astana
- State of the digital economy in OIC countries
- Agricultural sector, vital component of the economies
- ICDT Invest Days Banjul: Beyond Expectations
- Electronic Payment Module Operational inNigeria
- Virtual Training Workshop on Sustainable Ecotourism
- When Russia Diversifies Its Markets Towards OIC Member Countries
- Employment: A Tool for Cooperation within the OIC
- 40th COMCEC Follow-up Committee Meeting in Ankara
- Trade Facilitation as a Lever for Socioeconomic..
- Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region
- Le CIDC promeut l’Autonomisation des Femmes
- La création de valeur par l’intégration en Afrique
- Développement du commerce numérique en Afrique: Points clés
- Workshop on market access and value chain management
- Preparatory Meeting for the OIC Coffee Meet Cameroon
- Education and skills development of youth in OIC
- Dossier spécial :L’émancipation des femmes, une nécessité en termes de croissance économique.
- La CEDEAO, un espace économique prometteur
- L’intégration africaine et le défi de la sécurité alimentaire
- Les potentialités de la Mauritanie sont visibles, nous travaillons à leur concrétisation en opportunités tangibles: Aissatam Lam, DG de l’Agence de Promotion des Investissements en Mauritanie.
- L’Arabie Saoudite investit masivement dans le secteur de la santé
- Made in OCI: créer de la valeur en s’intégrant
- Cooperation between investment will attract higher quality and sustainable foreign investment. Ismail Ersahin, Executive Director, WAIPA
- COP 27 promises green investment to the MENA region
- Malaysia a Promising Gateway to Southeast Asia
- USD 85 million for the Jordanian industry development fund
- Turkey, Central Asia: a long-standing partnership is …
- ASEAN-USA, an economic cooperation project for …
- USD 85 million for the Jordanian industry development fund
- Turkey, Central Asia: a long-standing partnership is …
- ASEAN-USA, an economic cooperation project for …
- Expo 2020: Efforts paid off
- Interview with HE. Mr. Yerlan Baidaulet, DG of the IOFS …
- Egypt has become the hub for Malaysian palm …
- H.E Hissein Ibrahim Taha takes office as OIC SG
- Cooperation between ICDT and Bait Mal Al Quds Agency
- Roundtable on foreign direct investment in OIC countries
- Interview with ICIEC CEO : Strengthening Intra-OIC relations with ICIEC’s …
- e-commerce : threat or opportunity ?
- Doing Business : Cote d’Ivoire : strong assets for investment
- Special Issue: NIGERIA
- Webinar on «Data Collection and Analysis of Trade in Services between OIC Member States»
- The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on OIC …