Implementation of the OIC Trade Preference System (TPS-OIC)

The OIC Trade Preferential System (TPS-OIC) is a legal instrument for the exchange of trade concessions among the OIC Member States. The legal instruments implementing this system are: the Framework Agreement specifying the main principles of intra-OIC trade, the Protocol on the Preferential Tariff Scheme for TPS-OIC (PRETAS), the Protocol on the Rules of Origin and the settlement of the Negotiating Committee.

ICDT and the COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) act as joint secretariat for the implementation of TPS/OIC.   The Centre has conducted impact studies at the national and regional levels. All the studies have highlighted the positive impact of the Agreement to varying degrees on the economies of the Member States. Similarly, ICDT has co-organized the follow-up meetings of this Agreement in collaboration with the CCO, the last of which was held in Istanbul in November 2022.

In order to facilitate the operationalization of the TPS-OIC, which became effective as from 1st  July 2022, the ICDT’s program for the year 2023 includes Webinars and regional awareness workshops to elaborate on the provisions of the Agreement and the practical aspects of its implementation. The primarily concerned regions, are: the African region, the Arab region, South East Asia and Central Asia.