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Closing Ceremony of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

Closing ceremony of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

06-08 July 2021

Proceedings of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

Proceedings of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

06-08 July 2021

Opening Ceremony of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

Opening ceremony of the Virtual OIC Arab-African Business Forum on Agri-Food Products

06-08 July 2021

Webinar on “Doing Business in Cote d’Ivoire”

Webinar on "Doing Business in Cote d'Ivoire"

24 June 2021

Regional Workshop on the State of Play of The World Trade Organization (WTO) Negotiations for the Benefit of the OIC Countries

Regional Workshop on the State of Play of The WTO Negotiations for the Benefit of the OIC MC

21-23 June 2021

ICDT’s participation in the Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) Meeting for the Implementation of the Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States

ICDT's participation in the Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC)

01-02 June 2021

ICDT’s Director General welcomes the dynamics of Bayt Mal Alquds Acharif Agency
ICDT's Director General welcomes the dynamics of Bayt Mal Alquds Acharif Agency14 April 2021
3rd TPO OIC French speaking Countries
3rd TPO OIC French Speacking Countries06 April 2021